Cat's News

Celebrate National Day with Singaporeans’ favourite flavours from Cat & the Fiddle

Celebrate National Day with Singaporeans’ favou...

Enjoying comfort food and familiar flavours brings back pleasant memories from the past, evoking a sense of nostalgia. This National Day, delight in local flavours that have been masterfully crafted...

Celebrate National Day with Singaporeans’ favou...

Enjoying comfort food and familiar flavours brings back pleasant memories from the past, evoking a sense of nostalgia. This National Day, delight in local flavours that have been masterfully crafted...

Wagyu Bak Kut Teh & Heritage Afternoon Tea: Celebrate National Day 2024 With These Locally-Themed Treats

Wagyu Bak Kut Teh & Heritage Afternoon Tea: Cel...

Celebrate Singapore’s vibrant culinary heritage with these specially created dishes and menus!

Wagyu Bak Kut Teh & Heritage Afternoon Tea: Cel...

Celebrate Singapore’s vibrant culinary heritage with these specially created dishes and menus!

Celebrate Singapore’s 59th birthday with these locally inspired eats and treats

Celebrate Singapore’s 59th birthday with these ...

This National Day, Cat & the Fiddle offers familiar flavours to evoke a sense of nostalgia!

Celebrate Singapore’s 59th birthday with these ...

This National Day, Cat & the Fiddle offers familiar flavours to evoke a sense of nostalgia!

From 1-for-1 food promos to free parking coupons: Celebrate National Day with these special deals and activities

From 1-for-1 food promos to free parking coupon...

With Singapore's 59th birthday just around the corner, there's plenty of excitement in the little red dot. 

From 1-for-1 food promos to free parking coupon...

With Singapore's 59th birthday just around the corner, there's plenty of excitement in the little red dot. 

Tawaran harungi cuaca panas, Hari Kebangsaan

Tawaran harungi cuaca panas, Hari Kebangsaan

Apabila cuaca panas, fikiran sering terbayang-bayang minuman yang menyegarkan.Nak yang sihat biasanya kurang sedap. Nak yang sedap pula, biasanya banyak kandungan gula!

Tawaran harungi cuaca panas, Hari Kebangsaan

Apabila cuaca panas, fikiran sering terbayang-bayang minuman yang menyegarkan.Nak yang sihat biasanya kurang sedap. Nak yang sedap pula, biasanya banyak kandungan gula!

Made with love: Delicious cakes to celebrate Mother’s Day 2024

Made with love: Delicious cakes to celebrate Mo...

Premium cheesecake retailer Cat & the Fiddle has created Mango Passionfruit ($55.90) and Durian Chocolate ($58.90) Cheesecakes for Mother’s Day. Perfect for a queen. 

Made with love: Delicious cakes to celebrate Mo...

Premium cheesecake retailer Cat & the Fiddle has created Mango Passionfruit ($55.90) and Durian Chocolate ($58.90) Cheesecakes for Mother’s Day. Perfect for a queen.